Too Busy! What Should You Be Doing?
Which is code for saying you are too busy working in your business delivering your product or service and too busy to work on your business.
Do you find yourself saying you are Too Busy?
I’ve talked to a lot of business owners recently, and one thing I’ve just heard again and again, and again: “I’m just too busy!” “Too busy?” I say. “I can’t believe it. So what are you doing? You raking in the dollars?” And they say, “Oh, well, maybe not.” And I go, “Okay, well, that means you probably should be working more on your business, then.” Or if it was a “Yes, raking in dollars,” I go, “Well, what are you so busy for? You should be going fishing, sitting on the beach, or learning how to improve your business even more, so you can do more sitting on the beach and more going fishing.”
This is what I really think they should be doing. If you’re too busy, you’re saying you’re too busy to be working on the systems in your business, systems that create a better quality product or service or systems to make it easier to employ people that can do a particular job and then more easily do it. So you can educate or train staff more easily or things like that.
A chance to improve
So are you too busy to improve systems in your business? That doesn’t make good sense, right? Too busy to train your team? After all, you’ve got a better-trained team, you get better, more happy customers. So, hey, that’s really high value.
Too busy to plan or set goals? Let’s face it: If you don’t know what the plan is, you’re not going to get there. Or you’re already there now.
Too busy to review staff? The one thing you want to try and improve your staff, you’ve got to review and talk to them, improve them, and set goals with them, and listen to them and work out what they really want to learn and what they want to do or like to do.
Too busy to learn more or work on their own education? I say, “Well, unless you get better yourself, that’s where you’re going to cap your business potential.”
If you find yourself saying you’re too busy, have a real think about if you are too busy and what should you really be working on instead?