Top Business Challenges Pick your top 5 challenges and we will send you more information to help you out! Name(Required) First Last Company(Required) Mobile(Required) Sales & Marketing Operating a turn-key and inexpensive marketing plan to generate more leads and prospects, for my products or services. Creating a step-by-step marketing plan that significantly increases new customers and revenues, without taking all my energy away from my day-to-day business. Creating customer focused advertising and online marketing strategies to draw willing buyers to my business every week. Developing the most effective sales approach for my products and services that uniquely sets my business above my competition. Build a more motivated and professional sales force that creates a far higher conversion rate and average sale value. Developing a strategy that will compel my former and even inactive customers to come back and buy from me again and again. Creating a plan to boost revenue from customers with which we already do business. Establishing a plan to introduce new and more profitable product lines or services to win both new customers and extend the value we provide our existing customer base. Team Building & Leadership Helping me develop and build strong leadership skills so I can, not just manage, but truly lead my people and my company. Help me find or re-find my passion and get my heart and mind back focused on enjoying running and building the business again. Learn how to use a recruiting system that is both efficient and effective to help me add the right, motivated, great people to my team. Learn to develop an ongoing training system so my staff are more effective and more productive at their jobs and, be ready for promotion as the company grows. Teach me how to train my team so they deliver superior levels of customer service and create raving fans and repeat customers. Learn more effective time management skills for myself and my team so we stop working reactively and become more pro-active about building the company's future. Running Your Business Developing a clear and powerful set of both personal and business goals, and a vision for my company. Learning to give myself the freedom and more time away from the business, but still knowing it is growing and profitable without me. Helping me understand how to re-invest my profits back into the business or how to take profits and invest them for passive income outside of my business. Developing a straight forward succession plan so I can replace myself with the right people, at the right time. Creating a franchise system that both sells and creates profitable franchisees who can afford to pay me robust royalties. Creating a plan to take your company international to profit from entering into the global marketplace. Systems Having a system for controlling, managing and reporting the company finances so I can know I am building real profits. Working ON my business rather than IN and create a systems dependent company rather than a people dependant one. Developing an organisational chart and position descriptions and getting the company administration processes and procedures handled. Building consistency for delivery of my products/services, giving better levels of service, and a more rewarding customer experience. Coaching Having a hotline to a great Coach who can help me stay focused, answer my most important business questions and help me grow the business. Wealth Having a proven tool to manage and review and my nett worth so that I know my wealth in increasing at a rate I expect. A system to calculate how much cashflow is required from my business to achieve my home/workshop payoff goal, and other personal goals. Knowing how much I have in super & investments, and what strategy will enable me to retire when I want to. Δ